25 - 28 June, 2024
Stockholm | Sweden

Welcome Address from the Conference Chairs

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to Stockholm and the 22nd European Control Conference (ECC). This is the first time that ECC is held in Sweden. We are delighted to have the opportunity to host ECC 2024 on the KTH campus, inviting you to engage with academics and industry professionals from all over the world.

ECC 2024 is hosted by the European Control Association in cooperation with IEEE Control Systems Society and International Federation of Automatic Control. The theme of this year’s conference is Control research with sustainability impact and we are looking forward to intensive scientific discussions on how systems and control researchers and practicioners are addressing the big societal challenges. Altogether, we are hosting more than 1000 participants, with 629 presented papers selected from 902 submissions. There will be 3 plenaries, 6 semi-plenaries and 13 parallel tracks during three days, preceeded by a day of 15 workshops. The program includes 7 lunch sessions on career development, peer review and many other topics. During the industry day, two parallell tracks of industry panels and sessions will be presented.

All this would not have been possible without the hard work of numerous voluteers. The technical program has been put together under the leadership of PC Co-Chairs Antonis Papachristodoulou and Henrik Sandberg together with CEB Chair Antonella Ferrara. NOC Chair Johan Karlsson has led the local arrangements. We thank them immensely together with the organizing team consisting of Chairs and Co-Chairs Claudio Altafini, Matthieu Barreau, Carolina Bergeling, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Florian Dörfler, Angela Fontan, Elisa Franco, Dennice Gayme, Xiaoming Hu, Alf Isaksson, Charlotta Johnsson, Jan Kronqvist, Bengt Lennartson, George Nikolakopoulos, Axel Ringh, Emma Tegling, André Teixeira, Johan Thunberg, Christos Verginis and Silun Zhang, as well as student volunteers and support staff. A special thanks to the EUCA Council and EUCA president M. Elena Valcher for consistent support.

Karl H. Johansson
General Co-Chair, 2024 European Control Conference

Anders Rantzer
General Co-Chair, 2024 European Control Conference