AAC 2022 10th IFAC International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control
August 28-30, 2022  |  Columbus, Ohio, USA

Technical Program for Wednesday August 31, 2022

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WePT1 Ballroom
Model-Based Controls for Low Carbon Commercial Vehicle Engines and
Plenary Session
Chair: Ahmed, QadeerThe Ohio State University
WeAT3 Ballroom
Onboard Energy Management in Electrified Powertrains Regular Session
Chair: Salazar, MauroEindhoven University of Technology
Co-Chair: Hanif, AtharThe Ohio State University
10:00-10:20, Paper WeAT3.1 
A Sequential Quadratic Programming Approach to Combined Energy and Emission Management of a Heavy-Duty Parallel-Hybrid Vehicle

Mennen, SjoerdEindhoven University of Technology
Willems, FrankEindhoven University of Technology
Donkers, M.C.F. (Tijs)Eindhoven University of Technology
10:20-10:40, Paper WeAT3.2 
Cabin Load Prediction Using Time Series Forecasting in Long-Haul Trucks for Optimal Energy Management

Khuntia, SatvikThe Ohio State University
Hanif, AtharThe Ohio State University
Ahmed, QadeerThe Ohio State University
Lahti, JohnPACCAR Technical Center
Meijer, MaartenPACCAR Technical Center
10:40-11:00, Paper WeAT3.3 
Reinforcement Learning Based EV Energy Management for Integrated Traction and Cabin Thermal Management Considering Battery Aging

Haskara, IbrahimGM Research & Development
Hegde, BharatkumarGeneral Motors Company
Chang, ChenFangGM R&D Center
11:00-11:20, Paper WeAT3.4 
Energy Management for RCCI Engines with Electrically-Assisted Turbocharging

van Zuijlen, RoyEindhoven University of Technology
Kupper, FrankTNO Automotive
Willems, FrankEindhoven University of Technology
11:20-11:40, Paper WeAT3.5 
Decentralized Optimal Energy Efficiency Improvement Strategy for Large-Scale Connected HEVs

Xu, FuguoTokyo City University
Shen, TielongSophia University
Nonaka, KenichiroTokyo City University
11:40-12:00, Paper WeAT3.6 
Concurrent Powertrain Design for a Family of Electric Vehicles

Clemente, MaurizioEindhoven University of Technology
Salazar, MauroEindhoven University of Technology
Hofman, TheoTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven
WeAT2 Pfhal Hall 140
Modeling and Simulation Tools for Vehicular Systems Regular Session
Chair: Shaver, Gregory M.Purdue University
10:00-10:20, Paper WeAT2.1 
Electric Motor Design Optimization: A Convex Surrogate Modeling Approach

Borsboom, OlafEindhoven University of Technology
Salazar, MauroEindhoven University of Technology
Hofman, TheoTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven
10:20-10:40, Paper WeAT2.2 
Co-Simulation of the Unreal Engine and MATLAB/Simulink for Automated Grain Offloading

Shaver, Gregory M.Purdue University
Evans, JohnPurdue University
Puryk, CorwinDeere & Company
Anderson, EricDeere & Company
DeLaurentis, DanielPurdue University
10:40-11:00, Paper WeAT2.3 
Sim2real for Autonomous Vehicle Control Using Executable Digital Twin

Allamaa, Jean PierreSiemens Digital Industries Software
Patrinos, PanagiotisKU Leuven
Van der Auweraer, HermanLMS International
Son, TongSiemens Digital Industries
11:00-11:20, Paper WeAT2.4 
Wheel Odometry Model Calibration with Input Compensation by Optimal Control

Fazekas, MateHungarian Academy of Sciences Institute for Computer Science And
Gaspar, PeterSZTAKI
Nemeth, BalazsSZTAKI
WeLKT1 Ballroom
Keynote by Industry Partner-III by Cummins Industrial Session
Chair: Guardiola, CarlosUniversitat Politecnica De Valencia
WeWT3 Ballroom
Workshop: Electrification of Commercial Vehicles Industrial Session
Chair: Rizzoni, GiorgioOhio State Univ
WeWT2 Pfhal Hall 140
Workshop: New Advances on Connected and Automated Vehicles Industrial Session
Chair: Ahmed, QadeerThe Ohio State University