43rd Annual International Conference of the
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
October 30 - November 5, 2021, Virtual Conference

Technical Program for Thursday November 4, 2021

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Mini Symposium: Integrative Multiscale Modelling Approaches to Tissue
Engineering Organizer: Paula Faria
07:30-09:00, Paper ThAT7.1 
Integrative Multiscale Modelling Approaches to Tissue Engineering

Faria, PaulaESTG, CDRSP, IPLeiria
Sandra, AmadoHealth School Science and a Research Member of the Centre for Ra
Datta, AbhishekSoterix Medical, Inc
Ferreira, FredericoIBB, IST
Wang, MinThe University of Hong Kong
Alves, NunoMechanical Engineering Department and the Director of the Centre
Special Session: Intelligent Monitoring and Diagnostics in Lung Diseases
Organizer: Nikolaos Maglaveras
Special Session
07:30-09:00, Paper ThAT8.1 
Intelligent Monitoring and Diagnostics in Lung Diseases

Maglaveras, NikolaosAristotle University of Thessaloniki
Paiva, Rui PedroUniversity of Coimbra
Keynote Speaker Theme 8 Arianna Menciassi, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Keynote Session
Keynote Speaker Theme 10 Christos Davatzikos, University of Pennsylvania Keynote Session
Mini Symposium: A Functional Model for Unifying Brain Computer Interfaces:
IEEE P2731 (Standard for a Unified Terminology for Brain-Computer
Interfaces) Organizer: Carole C. Carey
Mini Symposium: Analysis, Digital Signal Processing and Applications of the
EHG at Pregnancy, Preterm and Term Labor Organizer: Maria-Teresa
11:30-13:00, Paper ThCT8.1 
Analysis, Digital Signal Processing and Applications of the EHG at Pregnancy, Preterm and Term Labor

Garcia-Gonzalez, Maria-TeresaUniversidad Autonoma Metropolitana
Garfield, RobertUniversity of Arizona, College of Medicine, Phoenix
Young, RogerPreTel Inc
Marque, CatherineUniversity of Technology of Compiegne
One Page Abstracts ALPHA a - F
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.1 
Lateral Superior Olive Based Spatial Mapping System

Aggarwal, AnuGrand Valley State University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.2 
A Class-Room Conducive Protocol for Reaching Experimentation

Aghamohammadi, Naveed RezaUniversity of Illinois at Chicago and Shirley Ryan Ability Lab
Demasi, MattiaShirley Ryan AbilityLab
Anand, AmanUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
Patton, JamesU. Illinois at Chicago (UIC), & the Shirley Ryan Ability Lab (fo
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.3 
Unsupervised Machine Learning Models for Characterization of Risk for Pediatric Several Critical Events from Anesthesia Using the Wake-Up Safe Registry

Gray, GeoffreyCenter for Pediatric Data Science and Analytics, Johns Hopkins A
Crabtree, SharonJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Fernandez, AllisonJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Varughese, AnnaJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Ahumada, LuisJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.4 
Applying Machine Learning to Identify Pediatric Patients at Risk of Critical Perioperative Adverse Events: Using the APRICOT Dataset

Gray, GeoffreyCenter for Pediatric Data Science and Analytics, Johns Hopkins A
Lonsdale, HannahJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Yates, HannahJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Ahumada, LuisJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Rehman, MohamedJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Varughese, AnnaJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Fackler, JamesJohns Hopkins College of Medicine
Habre, WalidDepartment of Anaesthesia, Pharmacology and Intensive Care
Disma, NicolaUnit for Research & Innovation, Department of Anesthesia, IRCCS&
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.5 
EEG and EMG-Controlled Hand Exoskeleton for Training Neural Activation Following Stroke

Ailsworth, JamesNorth Carolina State University
Blaylock, JaredNorth Carolina State University
Norman, SumnerUniversity of California: Irvine
Reinkensmeyer, David J.University of California
Kamper, DerekNorth Carolina State University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.6 
ALAS: Advanced Learner Assistance System for Engineering Education Using Wearable Sensors

Alvarez Espinoza, Gabriela JazminInstituto Tecnologico De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey
Candela, Milton OsielMonterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
Abrego Ramos, RafaelInstituto Tecnologico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey
Olivas, GustavoTecnológico De Monterrey
Garcia Briones, Juan ManuelInstituto Tecnologico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey
Rodriguez Hernandez, Karen LizetteInstituto Tecnologico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey
Botín Sanabria, Diego MauricioTecnológico De Monterrey
Aguilar Herrera, Aimé JudithInstituto Tecnologico De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey
Delgado Jimenez, Esther AimeeInstituto Tecnologico De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey
Ramírez Mendoza, Ricardo AmbrocioInstituto Tecnologico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey
Ramirez, MauricioTec De Monterrey
Lozoya|, Jorge de JesúsTecnológico De Monterrey
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.7 
User-Centered Design of Sonified Balance Biofeedback

Antonia Zaferiou, AntoniaStevens Institute of Technology
Tillman, MitchellStevens Institute of Technology
Stark, Matias VilaplanaUniversity of Virginia
Dahl, LukeUniversity of Virginia
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.9 
Improving Detection of Patient Ventilator Asynchrony by Deep Learning through Data Augmentation Based on Modeling of Pressure Support Ventilation

Bakkes, Tom Hendricus Gerardus FranciscusEindhoven University of Technology
van Diepen, AnoukTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven
Mischi, MassimoEindhoven University of Technology
Woerlee, PierreTUe Eindhoven
Turco, SimonaEindhoven University of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.10 
Automatic Extraction of Features in Thermographic Images

L. C. Ferreira, MariaUFRN
A. Varela, LauraUFRN
D. Vilar Wanderley, CarolineUniversidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Norte (UFRN)
Bezerra Soares, HelianaFederal University of Rio Grande Do Norte
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.11 
Physiological Model Selection for in Silico Evaluation of Closed-Loop Controlled Medical Devices

Bighamian, RaminU.S. Food and Drug Administration
Hahn, Jin-OhUniversity of Maryland
Kramer, GeorgeUniversity of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
Scully, Christopher G.US Food and Drug Administration
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.12 
Wearable Biomedical Device Based on IMUs to Evaluate Upper Limb Physical Work Demands

Boyer, MarianneUniversité Laval
Roy, Jean SébastienUniversité Laval
Bouyer, LaurentUniversity of Laval
Campeau-Lecours, AlexandreUniversite Laval
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.14 
Efficacy of Computer-Aided Parathyroid Detection from Excised Thyroid Specimen Using Both RGB/NIR Images and YOLOv5

Kim, JongchanGeorge Washington University
Yoo, JenniferChildren’s National Hospital
Russell, JonathonJohns Hopkins Hospital
Cha, JaepyeongChildren's National Hospital
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.15 
Pattern Recognition of Human Hands-And-Knees Crawling Movements Based on Surface Electromyography Signals

Chen, XiangUniversity of Science & Technology of China
Li, ChengxiangUniversity of Science and Technology of China
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.16 
Portable and Affordable Ophthalmic Disease Detection System

Serani, TeahThe George Washington University
Kang, ChristinaThe Geroge Washington University
Saab, GeorgeGeorge Washington University
Guan, ShuyueGeorge Washington University
Choe, Nathan HyungsokThe George Washington University
Loew, MurrayGeorge Washington University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.17 
Fusion of Deformation Index Ratio and Health Information for Breast Cancer Risk Assessment

Choi, Sung InTemple University
Caroline, DinaTemple University Hospital
Pascarella, SuzanneTemple University Hospital
Kendzierski, ReneeTemple University Hospital
Won, Chang-HeeTemple University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.18 
Robust Detection Method of Motor Imagery Activity for Neurorehabilitation: A Preliminary Study in Healthy Participants and Hemiplegic Stroke Patients

Churei, AmaneMeiji University
Ono, YumieMeiji University
Fujiwara, YoheiMurata Hospital
Terada, MoeMurata Hospital
Kono, MasashiMurata Hospital
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.19 
Estimate BMI for Elderly Adults Based on Body Shape Remotely

Dai, BingzeUniversity of California, San Diego
Du, ChenUniversity of California, San Diego
Graham, SarahUniversity of California San Diego
Kumar, ShubhamUniversity of California, San Diego
Nguyen, TruongUniversity of California, San Diego
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.20 
Denoising ECG by Adaptive Filter with EMD

Dai, BingzeUniversity of California, San Diego
Wen, BaiInstitute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administrat
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.21 
Acoustic Features of Cough in COVID-19

Davidson, Clare MuireannInstitute for Bioengineering of Catalonia
Caguana-Vélez, Oswaldo AntonioRespiratory Medicine Department, Hospital Del Mar
Estrada-Petrocelli, LuisInstitut De Bioenginyeria De Catalunya, the Barcelona Institute
Arita-Guevara, MarielaRespiratory Medicine Department, Hospital Del Mar, Barcelona
Lozano-García, ManuelInstitute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), the Barcelona
Ferrer-Lluis, IgnasiInstitute for Bioengineering of Catalonia
Castillo-Escario, YolandaInstitute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)
Ausín-Herrero, PilarRespiratory Medicine Department, Hospital Del Mar
Gea, JoaquimIMIM Hospital Del Mar, UPF, CIBERES
Jané, RaimonInstitut De Bioenginyeria De Catalunya (IBEC)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.22 
The Exponential-Linear Function Is Best for Parameterizing the Brachial Artery Compliance Curve of an Oscillogram Model

Dhamotharan, VishaalUniversity of Pittsburgh
Cheng, Hao-minTaipei Veterans General Hospital
Chandrasekhar, AnandIndian Institute of Technology Madras
Hahn, Jin-OhUniversity of Maryland
Mahajan, AmanUniversity of Pittsburgh
Shroff, SanjeevUniversity of Pittsburgh
Sung, Shih-HsienTaipei Veterans General Hospital
Chen, Chen-HuanNational Yang-Ming University
Mukkamala, RamakrishnaUniversity of Pittsburgh
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.23 
Interacting Multiple Model-Based Extended Kalman Filter for Wireless Capsule Endoscope Tracking

Dmitrieva, DariaNagoya Institute of Technology
Anzai, DaisukeNagoya Institute of Technology
Kirchner, JensUniversity of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Fischer, GeorgFAU University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Wang, JianqingNagoya Institute of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.24 
Examination of Reading Aloud Method for Braille Learning Materials

Doi, KoukiNational Institute of Special Needs Education
Nishimura, TakahiroNational Institute of Special Needs Education
Fujimoto, HiroshiWaseda University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.25 
Stiffness Discrimination Characteristics of Elastic Materials in Qualified Acupuncturists

Doi, KoukiNational Institute of Special Needs Education
Nishimura, TakahiroNational Institute of Special Needs Education
Sakaguchi, SaitoTohoku University
Fujimoto, HiroshiWaseda University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.26 
Assessing Accordance with Test Instructions for Reliable Data Collection in Remote Digital Health Studies

Festanti, AndreaF.Hoffman-La Roche Ltd
Zanon, MattiaRoche
Dondelinger, FrankF.Hoffman-La Roche Ltd
Lipsmeier, FlorianF. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
Lindemann, MichaelRoche
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.27 
A Preliminary Study on Estimation of Urination Desire Level from Vital Signs

Dong, WenChiba University
Inoue, HarumiDepartment of Medical Engineering, Chiba University
Huang, Shao YingSingapore University of Technology and Design
Yu, WenweiUniversity of Chiba
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.28 
An Endoscope-Catheter Device for the Detection of Ovarian Cancer

Zhao, XiaoyuImperial College London
Lavigne, Axelle Marie KatellImperial College London
Wu, HaoxinImperial College London
Zhang, XueerImperial College London
Zajaczkowski, Maciej AdamImperial College London
Haq, MakinahImperial College London
Drakakis, Emmanuel M.Imperial College
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.29 
Voice Interactive Control System for Surgical Assistant Robot in Clock Position

Egi, YutaOsaka Institute of Technology
Kawai, ToshikazuOsaka Institute of Technology
Nishikawa, AtsushiOsaka University
Nishizawa, YujiDepartment of Gastroenterological Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,
Nakamura, TatsuoKyoto University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.30 
Learning AR/VR Applications through Directed Research Studies in Biomedical Engineering Educational Programs

Eid, AhmedAnhalt University of Applied Sciences
Florian Bariszlovich, FlorianAnhalt University of Applied Sience
Bracio, Boris RomanusUniversity of Applied Science Anhalt
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.31 
End-To-End System for Autism Severity Estimation

Eni, MarinaBen-Gurion University of the Negev
Gorodetski, AlexBGU
Dinstein, IlanBen Gurion University
Zigel, YanivBen-Gurion University of the Negev
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.32 
Design of a Customized Waterproof Magnetic Connector (WaMaCo) for Semi-Disposable Endoluminal Instruments

Faoro, GiovanniScuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Huan, YuScuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Firrincieli, AndreaScuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Ciuti, GastoneThe BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Ita
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.33 
Evaluation of Pressure Recording Configuration Effects on Pressure-Waveform Derived Cardiac Output Measurements

Farahmand, MasoudU.S. Food and Drug Administration
Mirinejad, HosseinKent State University
Scully, Christopher G.US Food and Drug Administration
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.34 
High-Frequency Pulse Stimulations at Efferent Fibers Can Decrease Local Inhibitions in Rat Hippocampal CA1 Region

Yuan, YueZhejiang University
Feng, ZhouyanZhejiang University
Xu, YipengZhejiang University
Ye, XiangyuZhejiang University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.35 
Changes of Neuronal Reactions Around Soma During High-Frequency Stimulation at Axons in Hippocampus CA1 Region

Xu, YipengZhejiang University
Feng, ZhouyanZhejiang University
Wang, ZhaoxiangZhejiang University
Hu, YifanZhejiang University
Yuan, YueZhejiang University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.36 
Non-Linear Recovery of Neuronal Excitability in the Inter-Pulse-Intervals of High-Frequency Stimulation-A Modeling Study

Zheng, LvpiaoZhejiang University
Feng, ZhouyanZhejiang University
Lu, ChuchuZhejiang University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.37 
Different Fidelities of Neuronal Responses to Varying Inter-Pulse-Intervals in High-Frequency Stimulations Applied at Efferent and Afferent Fibers of Hippocampal CA1 Region

Hu, YifanZhejiang University
Feng, ZhouyanZhejiang University
Yang, GangshengZhejiang University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.38 
Changes of GABAergic Inhibition Substantially Modulate the Neuronal Firing in the Initial Period of High-Frequency Stimulation

Lu, ChuchuZhejiang University
Feng, ZhouyanZhejiang University
Zheng, LvpiaoZhejiang University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.39 
A Novel Microvascular-On-Chip Device for Studying Angio and Vasculogenesis under Cyclic Mechanical Stress

Ferrari, DarioUniversity of Bern, ARTORG Center, OOC Group
Zeinali, SoheilaSabanci University
Guenat, OlivierUniversity of Bern, ARTORG Center, OOC Group
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.40 
Importance of Pulse Sequence Design in Simulation-Based MRI Reconstruction

Filos, DimitriosAristotle University O Thessaloniki
Xanthis, ChristosAristotle University of Thessaloniki
Aletras, AnthonyLab. of Computing and Medical Informatics, Department of Medicin
Töger, JohannesClinical Physiology, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund Unive
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.41 
Direct Research Studies in a Biomedical Engineering Program Learning Biomedical Data Acquisition

Florian Bariszlovich, FlorianAnhalt University of Applied Sience
Eid, AhmedAnhalt University of Applied Sciences
Bracio, Boris RomanusUniversity of Applied Science Anhalt
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.42 
Model-Based Percutaneous Thermal Ablation Planning - Retrospective Analysis on a Clinical Dataset

Frackowiak, BrunoPhilips Research
Peter, IsfortUniversitätsklinikum RWTH
Van Den Bosch, VincentUniversitätsklinikum RWTH
Tokoutsi, ZoiPhilips Research
Baragona, MarcoPhilips Research
Aaldert, EleveltPhilips Research
Martijn, De GreefPhilips Research
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.43 
Redesign Full-Face Protective Glasses for Medical Staff During COVID-19 Pandemic

Chobpenthai, ThanaponFaculty of Medicine and Public Health, Chulabhorn Royal Academy
Fuangrod, TodsapornFaculty of Medicine and Public Health, Chulabhorn Royal Academy
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.44 
Analysis of Echocardiography Images of Diseased Mice to Evaluate the Effect of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 Alpha on Cardiomyocytes

Fujino, KentoUniversity of Tokyo
Sato, TatsuyukiJichi Medical University
Loe, Innocentio AloysiusUniversity of Tokyo
Sugino, MasatoUniversity of Toyko
Takeda, NorihikoJichi Medical University
Jimbo, YasuhikoUniversity of Tokyo
Kotani, KiyoshiUniversity of Tokyo
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT1.45 
Opposing Responses of Electromyography and Mechanomyography with Increasing Pedaling Cadence

Fukuhara, ShinichiKawasaki University of Medical Welfare
Oka, HisaoOkayama University
One Page Abstracts ALPHA G-L
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.1 
Dual-Chamber Leadless Pacemakers Maintain Synchrony with Beat-To-Beat Wireless Communication

Gambhir, AlokNorthside Hospital Cardiovascular Institute
Doshi, RahulHonorHealth Research Institute
Badie, NimaAbbott
Booth, Daniel FrazierAbbott
Yang, WeiqunAbbott
Nee, PeterAbbott
Fishler, MatthewAbbott
Ligon, DaveAbbott
Neuzil, PetrNa Homolce Hospital
Cantillon, DanielCleveland Clinic Foundation
Knops, ReinoudAcademic Medical Center
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.2 
Estimation of Arterial Resistance and Compliance in Humans

Gangadharan, NaveenChristian Medical College Vellore
Subramani, SathyaChristian Medical College Vellore
Saravana Kumar, GurunathanIndian Institute of Technology, Madras
Devasahayam, Suresh RChristian Medical College Vellore
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.4 
A First Approach to Denoising CMAPs in a Large Animal Model

Herrera Montes de Oca, DanielaTecnologico De Monterrey
Orozco-Granados, Daniela F.Tecnologico De Monterrey
Hernandez Reynoso, AnaUniversity of Texas at Dallas
Garcia-Gonzalez, AlejandroTecnologico De Monterrey
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.5 
Fabrication of 3-Dimensional Silicon Structures with Greyscale DRIE

Gleick, JeremyLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Yorita, AllisonUniversity of California Los Angeles
Haque, RaziLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.6 
Effects of Different Deep Brain Stimulation Frequencies on Lower Limb Movement in Patients with Parkinson's Disease

Gong, ChenTsinghua University
Yu, HuilingTsinghua University
Zhang, ChenTsinghua University
Sui, YananTsinghua University
Li, LumingTsinghua University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.7 
Artificial Muscles Performance Based on TCP-NiCr Actuators

Gonzalez, AlbertoAuckland University of Technology
Garcia, LorenzoAuckland University of Technology
Kilby, JeffAuckland University of Technology
Singh, HarsimranAuckland University of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.8 
Identification of Bias in Pediatric Surgical Fellowship Letters of Recommendation Using Natural Language Processing

Williams, SachaJohns Hopkins All Children's
Gray, GeoffreyCenter for Pediatric Data Science and Analytics, Johns Hopkins A
Bludevich, BryceJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Irby, IrisJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Chang, HenryJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Danielson, PaulJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Gonzalez, RaquelJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Ahumada, LuisJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Ahumada, LuisJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Chandler, NicoleJohns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.9 
Fast Cardiac Ultrasound with Deep Learning

Guan, StevenMITRE Corporation
Downs, MatthewThe MITRE Corporation
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.10 
Adaptive Noise Blocking in a Reduced-Rank Beamforming-Based Index for Brain Source Localization

Jimenez-Cruz, EduardoCinvestav Monterrey
Gutierrez, DavidCinvestav Monterrey
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.11 
Preliminary Results on the Importance of Vagus Nerve Stimulation Parameters for Its Chronotropic Effects in Vagotomized Rabbits

Haberbusch, MaxMedical University of Vienna
Kronsteiner, BettinaCenter for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical U
Kiss, AttilaLudwig Boltzmann Institute for Cardiovascular Research at Center
Moscato, FrancescoMedical University of Vienna
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.12 
Development of Visceral Fat Simulator Using Abdominal CT Images

Hasegawa, YasutakaHitachi, Ltd
Tomita, NaofumiHitachi, Ltd
Shimada, KazuyukiHitachi, Ltd
Osaki, TakanobuCentral Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd
Ban, HideyukiCentral Research Lab., Hitachi, Ltd
Nakagawa, TohruHitachi Health Center, Hitachi Ltd
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.13 
Dielectrophoretic Movement of Cell in Micro Machined Flow Channel

Hashimoto, ShigehiroKogakuin University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.14 
Body Core Temperature Estimation Using Biometric and Environmental Data Measured by Integrated Wearable Device

Hashimoto, YukiNTT Corporation
Takagahara, KazuhikoNTT Corporation
Togo, HiroyoshiNTT Device Innovation Center
Uematsu, RyotaNagoya Institute of Technology
Miyazawa, TaikiShigakkan University
Hirata, AkimasaNagoya Institute of Technology
Kawahara, TakashiNTT Corporation
Tanaka, HidetoYokohama National University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.15 
Accumulation of the Non-Synaptic and Synaptic Excitations Induced by Microstimulation Pulses in the Mouse Visual Cortex Layer II/III

Fukuda, SantaMie University
Nomoto, TomohiroOsaka University
Yoshida, KouOsaka University
Hayashida, YukiMie University
Yagi, TetsuyaOsaka University, Gard. Eng
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.16 
App for Naming Exercises with Automatic Feedback for Aphasia Patients

Rickert, ElianeInstitute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics, Schoo
Wyss, SandraInstitute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics, Schoo
Altermatt, SvenInstitute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics, Schoo
Degen, MarkusInstitute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics, Schoo
Widmer Beierlein, SandraUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Reymond, ClaireInstitute for Visual Communication, Academy of Art and Design, U
Hemm, SimoneUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.17 
Intermittent Regulation of Ankle Equilibrium and Ankle Impedance During the Running of High-Class Athletes

Watanabe, TairaOsaka University
Hirai, HiroakiOsaka University
Yajima, TakashiOsaka University
Kogawa, DaisukeMIZUNO Corporation
Nagao, HiroshiMizuno Corporation
Kaneko, YasunoriMizuno Corporation
Noro, KazutoOsaka University
Yamada, NaotoOsaka University
Yamamoto, SatoruOsaka University
Matsui, KazuhiroOsaka University
Nishikawa, AtsushiOsaka University
Krebs, Hermano IgoMIT
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.18 
Preliminary Study on Changes in Cognitive Skills and Heart Rate Variability Indices Due to Playing Esports

Hisatsune, KazukiKumamoto Univercity
Otsuki, ToshihideKumamoto University
Yamakawa, ToshitakaKumamoto University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.19 
Prediction of Finger Movement Using Electromyography

Hoshino, TatsuyaNagaoka University of Technology
Nambu, IsaoNagaoka University of Technology
Wada, YasuhiroNagaoka University of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.20 
Diffusion MRI to Investigate Atypical Corticospinal Tract Microstructure and Motor Impairments in Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy

Hruby, AlexandraNorthwestern University
Joshi, DivyaNorthwestern University
Dewald, Julius P. A.Northwestern University
Ingo, CarsonNorthwestern University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.21 
Evaluation of Robust HRV Analysis against Motion Artifacts for Wrist-Worn PPG Device

Hyodo, YasuhideSony Group Corporation
Yoshikawa, KiyoshiSony Group Corporation
Ishikawa, TakanoriSony Group Corporation
Komoriya, YotaSony Group Corporation
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.22 
Covid-19 Diagnosis Using Cough Signal Processing

Iakoby, NirBen Gurion University of the Negev
Zigel, YanivBen-Gurion University of the Negev
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.23 
Machine Learning Approaches As an Alternative to Human Psychophysical Tests of Prosthetic Vision

An, Na MinUniversity of Seoul
Roh, HyeonheeKorea Institute of Science and Technology
Chung, SoominEwha Womans University
Kim, EunjuSeoul National University of Science and Technology
Im, MaesoonKIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.24 
Motion-Tolerant Heart Rate Detection Independent on Attached Location for Wrist-Worn PPG Device

Ishikawa, TakanoriSony Group Corporation
Ogawa, KeitaSony Corporation
Komoriya, YotaSony Group Corporation
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.25 
Accident Risk Prediction Using Autonomic Nerve Functions Measured During Driving

Ito, NaoHitachi Ltd. Research & Development Group
Tanaka, TakeshiHitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group
Minusa, ShunsukeHitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group
Kuriyama, HiroyukiHitachi Ltd. Research & Development Group
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.26 
Flow Visualization of the Neo-Sinus Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in an Aortic Valve Model: Pulsatile Flow and Pressure Circulation System Equipped with Left and Right Coronary Arteries

Xu, XuetongWaseda University
Tsuboko, YusukeWaseda University
Iwasaki, KiyotakaJoint Graduate School of Tokyo Women’s Medical University and Wa
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.27 
Development of Diameter-Change Type Accelerated Durability Tester and Preliminary Assessment of CP Stent

Lu, HongzeWaseda University
Chen, ZeyuWaseda University, School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Ishizuna, YumiWaseda University
Iwasaki, KiyotakaJoint Graduate School of Tokyo Women’s Medical University and Wa
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.28 
Microwave and Pulsatile Circulation Decellularization Treatment on Bovine Arteries

Quan, MeixuanWaseda University
Imai, ShinyaWaseda University
Nakamura, TokioWaseda University
Uchiyama, KodaiWaseda University, Department of Integrative Bioscience and Biom
Hatanaka, AtsushiWaseda University
Iwasaki, KiyotakaJoint Graduate School of Tokyo Women’s Medical University and Wa
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.29 
Deep Learning-Based Early Prediction of Intraoperative Hypotension

Jacobsson, MartinKTH Royal Institute of Technology
Navid Zandpour, NavidKTH Royal Institute of Technology
Sigmundsson, ThorirKarolinska University Hospital
Björne, HåkanKarolinska University Hospital
Hällsjö Sander, CarolineKarolinska University Hospital
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.30 
Improving Automated Tracking of Ultrasound Muscle Images by Incorporating Physiological Variables

Uddin, HassamNorthwestern University
Tan, JohnNorthwestern University
Jakubowski, KristenNorthwestern University
Perreault, EricNorthwestern University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.31 
Fabrication and Acute In-Vivo Study of a ECoG/intracortical Hybrid Electrode Array

Jang, Jae-WonDaegu Kyeongbuk Institute Science & Technology
Lee, Kyeong JaeDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology
Kim, SoheeDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.32 
Spatial Smoothing Kernel Size Influences ICA Model Order and Spatial Maps of Intrinsic Connectivity Networks

Jarrahi, BehnazStanford University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.33 
Choice of Scan Length Impacts ICA Dimensionality and Network Features

Jarrahi, BehnazStanford University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.34 
Sensory Gating Measurements through a Novel Vibration System

Jean-Paul, BadjoUniversity of Maryland Baltimore County
Choa, Fow-SenUniversity of Maryland Baltimore County
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.35 
Comparison of PSD Correlation between HRV and PRV

Jeong, Chan HeeKorea Electronics Technology Institute
Hwang, Won HeeKorea Electronics Technology Institute
Jo, Young ChangKorea Electronics Technology Institute
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.36 
Morphological Reconstruction of Smartphone Photoplethysmogram

Hwang, Won HeeKorea Electronics Technology Institute
Jeong, Chan HeeKorea Electronics Technology Institute
Jo, Young ChangKorea Electronics Technology Institute
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.37 
Wireless Airflow Monitoring System for Respiratory Gating

Joseph, Suja MaryAnhalt University of Applied Sciences
Bracio, Boris RomanusUniversity of Applied Science Anhalt
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.38 
Advancement of Data Acquisition System for Neural Activity Experiments Using Multi-Electrode Arrays

Jurgielewicz, PawełAGH University of Science and Technology
Szypulska, MałgorzataAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics And
Wiącek, PiotrAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics And
Hottowy, PawelAGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
Mindur, BartoszAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics And
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.39 
Segmentation of Pressure Ulcer Images for Estimation of Wound Status Using Residual Convolutional Neural Network

Kang, SooInThe University of Tokyo
Mori, TaketoshiThe University of Tokyo
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.40 
Simultaneous Motor-Cognitive Virtual Reality Training to Improve Ambulation in Young Adults with TBI

Karunakaran, KiranNJIT, Kessler Foundation
Nolan, Karen J.Kessler Foundation
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.41 
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Aneurysm Initiation in Experimental Animal Models

Kasai, TomokiTokyo University of Science
Koseki, HirokazuJikei University School of Medicine
Takao, HiroyukiJikei University School of Medicine
Fujimura, SoichiroTokyo University of Science
Kato, NaokiThe Jikei University School of Medicine Tokyo
Kan, IsseiThe Jikei University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurg
Uchiyama, YuyaTokyo University of Science
Yamanaka, YumaTokyo University of Science
Ishibashi, ToshihiroThe Jikei University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurg
Fukudome, KojiTokyo University of Science,
Murayama, YuichiJikei University School of Medicine
Yamamoto, MakotoTokyo University of Science
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.42 
COVID-19 Respiratory Symptoms Detection Using Speech Processing Methods

Kassis, IdanBen-Gurion University of the Negev
Zigel, YanivBen-Gurion University of the Negev
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.43 
Highly Sensitive Estimation of Significant SCR for Wrist-Worn Electrodermal Activity

Katsumata, KokiSony Group Corporation
Sazuka, NaoyaSony Group Corporation
Komoriya, YotaSony Group Corporation
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.44 
Multi Monitoring Via Ablation Catheter for Estimation of Myocardial Mechanical Properties

Kawakami, SotaKitasato University
Ogawa, EmiyuKitasato University
Fukaya, HidehiraKitasato University
Matsuura, GenKitasato University Hospital
Aiga, SumireKitasato University
Kumagai, HiroshiKitasato University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.45 
Basic Study on Physiological Burden of Wearing an Upper Limb Support Suit While Holding an Endoscope

Sano, TomoakiChiba University
Kawamura, KazuyaChiba University
Shimomura, YoshihiroChiba University
Kawahira, HiroshiJichi Medical University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.46 
Interrogating Resting-State Networks with Brain-Wide Diffuse Optical Tomography (BW-DOT)

Khan, Ali FahimUniversity of Oklahoma
Zhang, FanUniversity of Oklahoma
Yuan, HanUniversity of Oklahoma
Ding, LeiUniversity of Oklahoma
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.47 
Contactless Heart Rate Measurement Using Image Processing

Kaur, GaganjotAuckland University of Technology
Kilby, JeffAuckland University of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.48 
Developing Classification Model for Depression Using Multi-Modal Bio-Signals

Kim, Sang-SuChonnam National University
Kim, JeonghuiChonnam National University
Kim, Do-WonChonnam National University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.49 
Estimation of Anxiety Level Based on Multi-Modal Biosignal Classifier

Kim, Sang-SuChonnam National University
Kim, Do-WonChonnam National University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.50 
Power Analysis of Electroencephalogram Exploring How Light Exposure Affects Sleep among Shift Workers

Zang, CongUniversity of Southern California
Choi, Soo JungSungkyunkwan University
Park, Hea ReeInje University College of Medicine
Joo, Eun YeonSungkyunkwan University
Yook, SoonhyunUniversity of Southern California
Kim, HosungUniversity of Southern California
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.51 
Classifying Heart Rate Variability Predicts Psychological Stress

Kawada, TomotakaDepartment of Informatics, Graduate School of Integrated Science
Murata, TaigaShizuoka University
Foo, Jerome CliffordCentral Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Un
Togo, FumiharuThe University of Tokyo
Kim, JinhyukShizuoka University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.52 
Implementation of Embedded Control System for Flexible Movemet of Intraoperative CT

Kim, Jun HyungWonkwang University Hospital
Tae-seong Roh, Tae-seongWonkwang Univesity
Ryu, Jong-HyunWonkwang Univ. Hospital
Jun, Hong YoungWonkwang University Hospital
Jeong, KilhwanWonkwang University
Yoon, Kwon-HaWonkwang University School of Medicine
Kim, Dae WonWonkwang University Hospital
Kim, Kou GyeomWonkwang University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.53 
A Smart Wearable Platform for COVID Monitoring

Garcia, JulianBradley University
Kim, Young SooBradley University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.54 
Correlation between Cardiopulmonary Metabolic Energy Cost and Lower Limb Muscle Activity During Inclined Treadmill Gait in the Elderly

Kim, Jihye​Samsung Medical Center
Lee, SuhyunSamsung Medical Center
Lee, JungsooDepartment of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Center for P
Shin, Se YoungDepartment of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Center for P
Chang, Won HyukSamsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medici
Kim, Yun-HeeSamsung Medical Center
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.55 
Training with Wearable Hip-Assist Robot Improves Gait and Physical Function in the Elderly

Lee, SuhyunSamsung Medical Center
Lee, Hwang-JaeSamsung Medical Center
Kim, Jihye​Samsung Medical Center
Chang, Won HyukSamsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medici
Yun, Geon HyangSamsung Noble County
Kim, Hyun JinSamsung Noble County
Kim, Yun-HeeSamsung Medical Center
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.57 
Novel Load Indicator for Knee Osteoarthritis During Gait Movement

Kimpara, HideyukiKyocera
Klinkigt, MartinKyocera
Suzuki, TakashiKyocera
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.58 
Suitable Combination of Bed Height and Foot Position for Turning Patient on a Bed

Kitagawa, KodaiKyushu Institute of Technology
Kotaro, YamamotoKyushu Institute of Technology
Wada, ChikamuneKyushu Institute of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.59 
Foot Clearance Prediction Using Wrist Position: A Pilot Study Via Public Dataset

Kitagawa, KodaiKyushu Institute of Technology
Wada, ChikamuneKyushu Institute of Technology
Toya, NobuyukiHokkaido Information University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.60 
Predictive Modeling of Hospitalization Occurrence Timing Using a Joint Model Based on Longitudinal Clinical Features

Kobayashi, KaoruHitachi, Ltd
Kondo, HirofumiHitachi Ltd,
Hasegawa, YasutakaHitachi, Ltd
Yui, ShuntaroHitachi, Ltd
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.61 
Quantitative Evaluation of the Amount of Phospholipid Desorbed from a Microbubble by Pulsed Ultrasound

Kobayashi, ReinaDoshisha University
Koyama, DaisukeDoshisha University
Tabata, HirakuDoshisha University
Krafft, Marie PierreInstitut Charles Sadron
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.62 
Theta Neurofeedback of the Parahippocampal Gyrus for Memory Enhancement: A Preliminary Study

Koizumi, KojiThe University of Tokyo
Ueda, KazutakaThe University of Tokyo
Nakao, MasayukiUniversity of Tokyo
Nagata, KeisukeUniversity of Tokyo
Takabatake, KazuhikoSaitama Medical University
Fujitani, ShigetaThe University of Tokyo
Seijiro Shimada, SeijiroThe University of Tokyo Hospital
Naoto Kunii, NaotoThe University of Tokyo
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.63 
Diffusion of the Inner Gas of a Microbubble Decorated with Poloxamer Surfactants under Ultrasound Exposure

Tabata, HirakuDoshisha University
Koyama, DaisukeDoshisha University
Matsukawa, MamiDoshisha University
Yoshida, KenjiChiba University
Krafft, Marie PierreInstitut Charles Sadron
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.64 
7-Tesla vs. 1.5-Tesla or 3-Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in the Management of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review

Krist, David T.Carle Illinois College of Medicine
Blaiotta-Vazquez, VictoriaUniversity of Puerto Rico at Cayey
Wszalek, Tracey M.Beckman Institute for Advanced Science & Technology, University
Anderson, AaronUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Arnold, Paul M.Stephens Family Clinical Research Institute; Department of Neuro
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.65 
Steady State Visual Evoked Potential Paradigm Enhances the Performance in Classifying the Distracted State During Exercise

Lim, HyunmiKeimyung University
Ku, JeonghunKeimyung University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.66 
Time Series Data Modelling of COVID-19 Positive Data Applying Popular Ensemble and Deep Learning Algorithm

Kulkarni, ShrirangUniversity of Central Florida
Gurupur, VaradrajSchool of Global Health Management and Informatics, University O
King, ChristianSchool of Global Health Management and Informatics, University O
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.67 
Performance Enhancement of a Pathological Voice Quality Evaluation System Using a Self-Attention Model

Hsiao, Ching-JuNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Han, Ji YanYang Ming
Zheng, Wei-ZhongNational Yang Ming University
Ho, Guan-MinAPrevent Medical
Chang, Chia-YuanAPrevent Medical Inc
Lai, Ying-HuiNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.68 
Classification of Interictal and Ictal Epileptic Brain States Based on Respiratory Data Acquired with a Smart Wear

Lamrani, YassineResearch Center of the University of Montreal Hospital Center (C
St-Jean, JérômeCHUM
Toffa, Denahin HinnoutontondjiUniversity of Montreal Hospital Center, University of Montreal
Nguyen, Dang KhoaCHUM Hôpital Notre-Dame
Bou Assi, ElieUniversity of Montreal Hospital Center, University of Montreal
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.69 
Identification of Action Potential Waveforms

Rodríguez-Collado, AlejandroUniversidad De Valladolid
Larriba, YolandaUniversidad De Valladolid
Rueda, CristinaUniversidad De Valladolid
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.70 
Singular Value Decomposition-Based HIFU Interference Filtering for Real-Time Harmonic Imaging-Guided Therapy

Lee, HunjongSogang University
Chung, EuisukSogang Univ
Yoon, Hee ChulSogang University
Song, Tai-KyongSogang University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.71 
Improved Ultrasound Imaging with X-Ray Computed Tomography-Based Acoustic Sound Speed Correction

Lee, HunjongSogang University
Lee, JaeJinSogang University
Yoon, Hee ChulSogang University
Song, Tai-KyongSogang University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.72 
Magnetic Stimulation of Sciatic Nerve Using a Millimeter-Sized Coil

Lee, Kyeong JaeDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology
Park, ByungwookDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology(DGIST)
Jang, Jae-WonDaegu Kyeongbuk Institute Science & Technology
Kim, SoheeDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.73 
Control Design of a 2 DOF Hand Exoskeleton for Cylindrical Grip Movement Rehabilitation

Leyva Santiago, Jorge LuisUniversidad Nacional De Ingeniería
Milian-Ccopa, Leonardo PaulPontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú
Perez Rios, Junior LeonUniversidad Nacional De IngenierÍa
Arrustico Villanueva, David SergioUniversidad Nacional De Ingeniería
Cortez Palacin, Lina FengUniversidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.74 
Abnormal Functional Connectivity in Attention Networks of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Patients

Li, QianliangTechnical University of Denmark
Theodorsen, Maya CoulsonTechnical University of Denmark
Konvalinka, IvanaTechnical University of Denmark
Eskelund, KasperDepartment of Military Psychology, Danish Veteran Centre
Karstoft, Karen-IngeUniversity of Copenhagen
Andersen, Soren B.Research and Knowledge Centre, Danish Defense
Andersen, TobiasTechnical University of Denmark
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.75 
Analysis of the Effect of Stretching Exercises on Alzheimer's Disease

Deng, JinxianMichigan State University
Zhu, DavidMichigan State University
Yu, FangArizona State University
Li, TongtongMichigan State University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.76 
Automatic Markerless System for Kinematic Gait Analysis in Animal Models Based on Deep Learning

Li, WeiningTsinghua University
Wang, XuechengTsinghua University
Lei, JiaxinTsinghua University
Zhang, MilinTsinghua University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.77 
Superresolution of Echo Image Using DDSRCNN and TecoGAN

Li, YiranSophia University
Zhang, MengfeiSophia University
Sumi, ChikayoshiSophia University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.78 
High-Accuracy Time-Series Prediction with Missing Data

Li, ZishengResearch & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd
Ogino, MasahiroResearch & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.79 
Theta Activity During the Burst Suppression Following Resuscitation from Cardiac Arrest Suggests Poor Neurological Recovery

Li, ZiweiJohns Hopkins University
Williams, AutumnJohns Hopkins University
Guo, YuJohns Hopkins University
Senarathna, JanakaJohns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Sherman, DavidJohns Hopkins University
Gharibani, PayamJohns Hopkins University
Geocadin, RomergrykoJohns Hopkins University
Thakor, NitishJohns Hopkins University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.80 
Development and Effectiveness of Plasma Hydrogen Peroxide Mist Disinfection in Ambulance

Choi, JongbongHanyang University
Song, YeongtakHanyang University
Lim, TaehoHanyang University, College of Medicine
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.81 
Ensemble ADR Detection from Spontaneous Reporting Data: A Positive Unlabeled Learning Perspective

Lin, Wen-YangNational University of Kaohsiung
Tseng, Tzu-WeiNational University of Kaohsiung
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.82 
Deep Learning Based Speed of Sound Reconstruction for Sparse-View Ultrasound Computed Tomography

Long, XiaoyunUniversity of Science and Technology of China
Tian, ChaoUniversity of Science and Technology of China
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.83 
Improvement of Zero-Heat-Flux Type Deep Body Thermometer Intended for Use in Hot Environments

Lu, HanziKanazawa University
Aratake, ShunKanazawa University
Nogawa, MasamichiKanazawa University
Naito, HisashiKanazawa University
Nishikawa, YuichiKanazawa University
Nemoto, TetsuUniversity of Kanazawa
Togawa, TatsuoWaseda University
Tanaka, ShinobuKanazawa University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT2.84 
Evaluation of the iSensor As a COVID-19 Physical Distancing Design Concept for Visually Impaired Adults

Lutfallah, OliviaWestern University
Dickinson, JohnWestern University
One Page Abstracts ALPHA M - R
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.1 
Design and Analysis of a Finger Rehabilitation Exoskeleton

Norouzi, MaryamFaculty of Mech. Engineering, University of Tehran
Karimpour, MoradFaculty of Mech. Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran
Mahjoob, MohammadSchool of Engineering, Science and Technology, CCSU and Center F
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.2 
Automated Signal Quality Assessment of Electroencephalography Data in Preclinical Mouse Models of Brain Injury

Qi, EricDuke University
Collins, Leslie M.Duke University
Kolls, Brad J.Duke University Medical Center
Mace, BrianDuke University/ Neurology
Chaparro, EduardoDuke University
Lassiter, EricDuke University
Mainsah, Boyla O.Duke University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.3 
Feasibility of an Electroencephalography-Based Biomarker of Brain Injury Severity in a Preclinical Mouse Model: A First Look

Fleeting, ChanceDuke University
Collins, Leslie M.Duke University
Kolls, Brad J.Duke University Medical Center
Mace, BrianDuke University/ Neurology
Chaparro, EduardoDuke University
Lassiter, EricDuke University
Mainsah, Boyla O.Duke University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.4 
Fabrication of a C-Axis Tilted Hydroxyapatite Film Using RF Magnetron Sputtering

Shimizu, HirokiDoshisha University
Oda, TomoyaDoshisha University
Matsukawa, MamiDoshisha University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.5 
Eye Vibration Detection Using High-Speed Optical Tracking and Pupil Center Corneal Reflection

Matsumura, SoichiroThe University of Tokyo
Sueishi, TomohiroThe University of Tokyo
Yachida, ShojiNEC
Ishikawa, MasatoshiUniversity of Tokyo
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.6 
In-Vivo Experiment Using a Miniaturized Probe of a Core Body Thermometer for Convection Changes

Matsunaga, DaichiNTT Device Technology Labs
Tanaka, YujiroNTT
Tajima, TakuroNTT Device Technology Laboratories
Seyama, MichikoNTT Device Technology Labs
Kato, IsseiWaseda University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.7 
Effect of Trait Anxiety on Pain-Related Brain Activity

Matsuoka, KoyoThe University of Tokyo
Ueda, KazutakaThe University of Tokyo
Koizumi, KojiThe University of Tokyo
Tonogaki, KeijiThe University of Tokyo
Nakao, MasayukiUniversity of Tokyo
Nizuka, TakeshiKYOCERA Corporation
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.8 
Design and Evaluation of Baroreflex Model Simulation in Mock Circulatory Loop

Matus Vazquez, GabrielUNSW
Lovell, Nigel H.University of New South Wales
Stevens, Michael CharlesUniversity of New South Wales
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.9 
Prediction of TCM Effective against Bacterial Pneumonia and Identification of Antibacterial Natural Product

Gao, PeiNARA Institute of Science and Technology
Chen, ZhengNara Institute of Science and Technology
Huang, MingNara Institute of Science and Technology
Ono, NaoakiNara Institute of Science and Technology
Kanaya, ShigehikoNara Institute of Science and Technology
Md Altaf Ul Amin, Md AltafNara Institute of Science and Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.10 
A Cascade Flexible Neural Forest Model for Classification of Cancer Subtypes Based on Gene Expression Data

Zhong, LianxinUniversity of Jinan
Meng, QingfangUniversity of Jinan
Chen, YuehuiUniversity of Jinan
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.11 
Iterative Approach for Census Error Reduction in a Homegrown HL7-FHIR Application

Meroueh, ChadyMayo Clinic
Herasevich, SvetlanaMayo Clinic
Tiong, IngMayo Clinic
Pickering, BrianMayo Clinic
Herasevich, VitalyMayo Clinic
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.12 
Abnormal Microstate Resting-State EEG Characteristics in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Metzger, MarjorieTrinity College Dublin
Dukic, StefanTrinity College Dublin
Mc Mackin, RoisinTrinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
Giglia, Eileen RoseTrinity College Dublin
Mitchell, MatthewTrinity College Dublin
Bista, SarojTrinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
Peelo, ColmTrinity College Dublin
Tadjine, YasmineTrinity College Dublin
Sirenko, VladyslavTrinity College Dublin
Coffey, AminaTrinity College Dublin
McManus, LaraUniversity College Dublin
Costello, EmmetTrinity College Dublin
Fasano, AntonioUniversità Campus Bio-Medico Di Roma
Buxo, TheresaTrinity College Dublin
Heverin, MarkTrinity College Dublin
Bede, PeterTrinity College Dublin
Muthuraman, MuthuramanJohannes Gutenberg University
Pender, NiallBeaumont Hospital, Dublin
Hardiman, OrlaTrinity College Dublin
Nasseroleslami, BahmanTrinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.13 
A Comparison of Accelerometer-Based Multiclass Algorithms for Near-Fall Detection

Michael, AlexiUniversity of British Columbia
Kuo, CalvinUniversity of British Columbia
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.14 
Neural Dynamics Involved in Creative Thinking in Engineering Design

Mikami, FukashiThe University of Tokyo
Koizumi, KojiThe University of Tokyo
Ueda, KazutakaThe University of Tokyo
Nakao, MasayukiUniversity of Tokyo
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.15 
Diurnal Variations in Autonomic Nerve Function for Actual On-Road Truck Driving

Minusa, ShunsukeHitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group
Ito, NaoHitachi Ltd. Research & Development Group
Tanaka, TakeshiHitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group
Kuriyama, HiroyukiHitachi Ltd. Research & Development Group
Satoh, KiminoriHitachi Transport System, Ltd
Mizuno, KeiRIKEN
Yamano, EmiRIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research
Kuratsune, HirohikoOsaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Watanabe, YasuyoshiRIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.16 
Pupil Size Variation and Autonomic Activity During Subliminal Mere Exposure

Isogai, ShunjiWaseda University
Momose, KeikoWaseda University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.17 
To Evaluate the Spectral Discrimination Capacity Using Ear Electroencephalogram (Ear-EEG) in Listeners with Normal Hearing and Hearing Loss: A Preliminary Study

Kang, SoojinSungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
Seol, Hye YoonSungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
Hong, Sung HwaSamsung Medical Center
Moon, Il JoonSungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.18 
COVID-19 and Its Unprecedented Challenges in Communication

Seol, Hye YoonSungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
Kang, SoojinSungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
Hong, Sung HwaSamsung Medical Center
Moon, Il JoonSungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.19 
Increased Default-Mode Network Connectivity in Cancer Patients with Chronic Pain

Mori, AkikoMeiji University
Ono, YumieMeiji University
Lin, Wen-YingNational Taiwan University Cancer Center
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.20 
An Audiovisual BCI to Control a Wheelchair by Using Mixed-Reality

Mori, FuminaUniversity of Tokyo
Sugino, MasatoUniversity of Toyko
Kotani, KiyoshiUniversity of Tokyo
Jimbo, YasuhikoUniversity of Tokyo
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.21 
Intra-Abdominal Type Master Device for Teleoperated Laparoscopic Surgical Assistant Robot

Mugitani, YumaOsaka Institute of Technology
Kawai, ToshikazuOsaka Institute of Technology
Nishizawa, YujiDepartment of Gastroenterological Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,
Nishikawa, AtsushiOsaka University
Iwamoto, NoriyasuShinshu University
Horise, YukiTokyo Women's Medical University
Masamune, KenThe University of Tokyo
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.22 
Evaluation of the Accuracy of Cuffless Blood Pressure Measurement Device: Challenges and Proposals

Mukkamala, RamakrishnaUniversity of Pittsburgh
Yavarimanesh, MohammadMichigan State University
Natarajan, KeerthanaMichigan State University
Hahn, Jin-OhUniversity of Maryland
Kyriakoulis, KonstantinosNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Avolio, Alberto PMacquarie University
Stergiou, GeorgeNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.23 
Identifying Engineering Interest in Children through Machine Learning Using Biometric Signals

Olivas, GustavoTecnológico De Monterrey
García, AleykaMachineCare Education
Murrieta, JorgeMachineCare Education
Lozoya|, Jorge de JesúsTecnológico De Monterrey
Myriam Alanis, MyriamTec De Monterrey
Ocampo, Juan CarlosInstituto Tecnológico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey
Candela, Milton OsielMonterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
Botín Sanabria, Diego MauricioTecnológico De Monterrey
Ramirez, MauricioTec De Monterrey
Acosta, Luis FernandoTecnológico De Monterrey
Diaz-Armas, Gladys GuadalupeTecnologico De Monterrey
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.24 
Effects of Visual Feedback on Event-Related Desynchronization During Isometric Grasping

Nakayashiki, KoseiTokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Hayashi, YoshikatsuUniversity of Reading
Sudo, TamamiTohoku University
Kondo, ToshiyukiTokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.25 
Collective Almost Synchronization Modeling Used for Motor Imagery EEG Classification

Nguyen, Thi Mai PhuongTokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Phan, Minh KhanhTokyo Techies
Hayashi, YoshikatsuUniversity of Reading
Baptista, MuriloUniversity of Aberdeen
Kondo, ToshiyukiTokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.26 
Pilot Production of a Toy to Evaluate Infant Tongue Movement During Sucking

Nishi, EriSetsunan University
Ueda, ShujiSetsunan University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.27 
Mental Workload While Handwriting Numeric Characters with a Stylus on Tablets

Nishimura, TakahiroNational Institute of Special Needs Education
Doi, KoukiNational Institute of Special Needs Education
Fujimoto, HiroshiWaseda University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.28 
Development and Validation of an Optimal Attachment Position Selection System for a Patch Type Wireless R-R Interval Telemeter

Noguchi, AoiKumamoto University
Nishio, MayuKumamoto University
Yamakawa, ToshitakaKumamoto University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.29 
Thermal Dynamic Image Processing on Thermographic Endoscopy

Ohta, HidetoshiSapporo Orthopedics and Cardiovascular Hospital
Izumi, ShintaroKobe University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.30 
Tibial Plafond Deformity Characteristics in Ankle Osteoarthritis Using Three-Dimensional Geometric Analysis

Oishi, YuyaTokyo University of Science
Kurokawa, HiroakiNara Medical University
Kosugi, ShinichiNara Prefectual Seiwa Medical Center
Tanaka, YasuhitoNara Medical University
Ishige, YutoTokyo University of Science , Japan
Yamamoto, MasatakaTokyo University of Science
Takemura, HiroshiTokyo University of Science
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.31 
Monitoring Multi-Layer Neuronal Dynamics of Epileptiform Calcium Signaling in the Hippocampus of Freely Behaving Mice Using a Brain-Implantable CMOS Image Sensor

Olorocisimo, Joshua PhilippeNara Institute of Science and Technology
Regonia, Paul RossenerNara Institute of Science and Technology
Ohta, YasumiNara Institute of Science and Technology
Takehara, HironariNara Institute of Science and Technology
Haruta, MakitoNara Institute of Science and Technology
Tashiro, HiroyukiKyushu University
Sasagawa, KiyotakaNara Institute of Science and Technology
Ikeda, KazushiNara Institute of Science and Technology
Ohta, JunNara Institute of Science and Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.32 
Emergency Oxygen Concentrator for COVID 19 Pandemic Augmented with Percent Oxygen Monitoring

Ongtrakul, SalilaKing Mongkut's Institute of Technology Latkrabang
Thitirattanapong, AnyarinKing Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
Pintavirooj, ChuchartKing Mongkut Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.33 
Development of a Real-Time Evaluation System for Exercise Effectiveness and Safety in Normobaric Hypoxic Environments: A Preliminary Study

Otsuki, ToshihideKumamoto University
Hisatsune, KazukiKumamoto Univercity
Yamakawa, ToshitakaKumamoto University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.34 
The Center of Myoelectric Signals As a Feature to Discriminate Grasps

Ozawa, RyutaMeiji University
Ikenaga, KiichiMeiji University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.35 
EDMAID: Increased Heart Attack Diagnostic Accuracy for Emergency Departments

Miletić, MarjanVinca Institute, Belgrade
Atanasoski, VladimirUniversity of Belgrade
Gligorić, GoranVinca Institute, Belgrade
Ivanović, MarijaVinca Institute, Belgrade
Beličev, PetraVinca Institute, Belgrade
Bojovic, BoskoNewCardio, Inc
Vajdic, BranislavNewCardio, Inc
Hadzievski, LjupcoVinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Panescu, DorinBiotronik
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.36 
A Speech Test to Assess Mask Efficacy

Parameswaran, KaanchanaStanford University
Lin, BryantStanford University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.37 
Parylene-C Based Mesh Electrodes for Recording Neural Signals in Sciatic Nerve

Park, ByungwookDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology(DGIST)
Moon, HyunminDGIST
Kim, SoheeDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.38 
A Novel Electro-Prosthetic Proprioception by Distance-Based Electrical Stimulation for Finger Aperture Control

Ravichandran, RachenTexas A&M University
Patton, JamesU. Illinois at Chicago (UIC), & the Shirley Ryan Ability Lab (fo
Park, HangueTexas A&M University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.39 
Individual Characterization of Drawing Pattern in a Pattern Lock Application of the Smartphone

Zhao, ZiqiTexas A&M University
Kim, JeongheeTexas A&M University
Park, HangueTexas A&M University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.40 
Autoencoder-Based Subtyping of Eating Behaviors Using Functional MRI

Choi, HyoungshinSungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea
Park, Bo-yongInha University
Park, HyunjinSungkyunkwan University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.41 
Virtual Receive Array Ultrasound Imaging for Grating-Lobe Suppression

Park, JaebumSogang University
Lee, KunkyuSogang Univ
Song, Tai-KyongSogang University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.42 
Comparison of Classical Indices of Pulse/Heart Rate Variability from Sensor Polar OH1 and ECG

Sein-Echaluce, MarcosUniversity of Zaragoza
Peláez Coca, María DoloresCentro Universitario De La Defensa
Izquierdo, DavidCentro Universitario De La Defensa
Hernando, AlbertoCentro Universitario De La Defensa
Lozano Albalate, María TeresaCentro Universitario De La Defensa
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.43 
Rate-Dependent Depression of the H-Reflex During Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation: A Case Study

Alvarado, MónicaUniversidad Autónoma Del Estado De México
Cuellar, CarlosUniversidad Anáhuac México
Trujillo, EduardoUniversidad Autónoma Del Estado De México
Reyes Lagos, Jose JavierUAM IZTAPALAPA
Pliego, AdrianaUniversidad Autónoma Del Estado De México
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.44 
Stimulus to Action Neural Network by Inferring Connectomics

Martinez Traub, FranciscaThe Rockefeller University
de la Rosa, NatashaUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
Requejo Mendoza, Naybi Nikte-HaCentro De Investigación Y Estudios Avanzados Del IPN
Salgado Menez, MildredInstituto De Neurobiología UNAM
Moreno Jaramillo, JonazUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
Gonzalez, AlexanderStanford University
Gonzalez Velarde, MarianaIntel Corporation
Pliego, AdrianaUniversidad Autónoma Del Estado De México
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.45 
OpenSCAT: Development of an Open and Extensible Digital Sports Concussion Assessment Tool to Support IoT-Based Athlete Monitoring

Barker, LiamNorthumbria University
Coulby, GrahamNorthumbria University
Young, FraserNorthumbria University
Bowen, SalwaNorth Sport Physio
Das, JuliaNorthumbria University
Stuart, SamuelNorthumbria University
Godfrey, AlanNorthumbria University
Powell, DylanNorthumbria University, Newcastle Upon-Tyne, England, United Kin
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.46 
Four-Point Impedance As a Biomarker for Bleeding During Cochlear Implantation

Razmovski, TaylaUniversity of Melbourne
Bester, ChristoferUniversity of Melbourne
Collins, AaronUniversity of Melbourne
Mejia, OliviaSENTro Head and Neck Clinic
Foghsgaard, SorenDept ORL Head and Neck Surgery
Mitchell-Innes, AlistairMusgrove Park Hospital
Shaul, ChananShaary Zedek Medical Centre
Campbell, LukeUniversity of Melbourne
Eastwood, HaydenUniversity of Melbourne
O'Leary, StephenThe University of Melbourne
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.47 
Nanoscale Topographical Characterizations and Biomechanical Properties of Bone-Cartilage Unit During the Spontaneous Osteoarthritis

Ren, PenglingCapital Medical University Affiliated Beijing Friendship Hospita
Zhang, TingtingDepartment of Radiology, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Me
Niu, HaijunBeihang University
Yang, ZhenghanBeijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University
Wang, ZhenchangBeijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University
Gong, HeBeihang University
Fan, YuboBeihang University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.48 
Design of a Parkinsonian Biomarkers Combination Optimization Method Using Rodent Model

Renne, ShaiTsinghua University
Lei, JiaxinTsinghua University
Wei, JingTian Jin Medical University
Zhang, MilinTsinghua University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT3.49 
A 3D Finite Element Model to Evaluate Drug Infusion in the Cerebral Cortex

Rotenberg, NoamJohns Hopkins University
Kudela, PawelJohns Hopkins University
Anderson, William S.Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery
One Page Abstracts ALPHA S - Z
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.1 
Contrast Reflux Length Is Correlated to Baseline Blood Flow Rate and Injection Conditions: Preliminary in Vivo Results

Sadasivan, ChanderStony Brook University
Sathi, NeilCornell University
Dashti, NakisaStony Brook University Medical Center
Fiorella, DavidStony Brook University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.2 
A Comparison of Thrombus Preparation Methods for Experimental Mechanical Thrombectomy

Dashti, NakisaStony Brook University Medical Center
Fiorella, DavidStony Brook University
Sadasivan, ChanderStony Brook University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.3 
Computational Study of the Funny Current on the Regulation of Heart Rate

Sadowski, NicoleRutgers University
Drzewiecki, GaryRutgers University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.4 
Relaxing Music Increases Sleep Spindles and Improve Sleep Quality

Saeda, ShotaNagoya University
Fujiwara, KoichiKyoto University
Sumi, YukiyoshiShiga University of Medical Science
Kadotani, HiroshiShiga University of Medical Science
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.5 
Determining 3D Muscle Architecture Using Ultrasound Imaging

Sahrmann, Annika StephanieUniversity of Stuttgart
Handsfield, GeoffreyUniversity of Auckland
Hessenthaler, AndreasUniversity of Stuttgart
Gizzi, LeonardoUniversity of Stuttgart
Röhrle, OliverUniversity of Stuttgart
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.6 
Comprehensive Mutagenesis Prediction Using Delaunay Tessellation

Sait, ShaimaaGeorge Mason University
Vaisman, IosifGeorge Mason University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.7 
The Effect of the Rotary Inertia on the Reaching Movement in Virtual Space

Saito, Keisuke, KeisukeNagaoka University of Technology
Wada, YasuhiroNagaoka University of Technology
Nambu, IsaoNagaoka University of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.8 
Measuring Event-Related Potentials Evoked by Desire to Eat by Using Independent Component Analysis

Samukawa, FumiyaShibaura Institute of Technology
Horie, RyotaShibaura Institute of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.9 
IPad Exercise Application for Home-Based Workers with Individually Optimized Exercises

Sano, YukoHitachi Co. Ltd
Tanaka, TakeshiHitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group
Li, ZishengResearch & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd
Toyomura, TakashiResearch & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd
Ogino, MasahiroResearch & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd
Hirose, NorikazuWaseda University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.10 
Slow EEG Fluctuation and Heart Rate Variability Reflects Flexible Adjustment to Cognitive Load

Sazuka, NaoyaSony Group Corporation
Katsumata, KokiSony Group Corporation
Komoriya, YotaSony Group Corporation
Oba, TakeyukiNagoya University
Ohira, HidekiNagoya University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.11 
Recognition Rate of Grasping Force for Prosthetic Hand Feedback Using a Pneumatic Device on the Earlobe

Sekine, MasashiChiba University
Yu, WenweiUniversity of Chiba
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.12 
In-Vitro Evaluation of 3D Subretinal Microelectrodes with Hexagonal Arrangement

Seo, Hee WonDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
Cha, SeongkwangChungbuk National University
Jeong, YurimChungbuk National University
Goo, Yong SookChungbuk Nati Univ School of Medicine
Kim, SoheeDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.13 
Biomanufacturing of an in Vitro Vascularized Platform for Pediatric Tumor Modeling

Ning, LiqunEmory University and Georgia Institute of Technology
Shim, JennyEmory Unversity School of Medicine
Goldsmith, Kelly C.Emory University School of Medicine
Serpooshan, VahidGeorgia Institute of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.14 
Cerebrovascular Autoregulation Is Impaired During Early-Stage Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome

Shen, YuchengJohns Hopkins University
Senarathna, JanakaJohns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Guo, YuJohns Hopkins University
Geocadin, RomergrykoJohns Hopkins University
Thakor, NitishJohns Hopkins University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.15 
A Brain-Computer Interface Simulator for Closed-Loop Cursor Control

Shin, HyonyoungCarnegie Mellon University
Suma, DanielCarnegie Mellon University
He, BinCarnegie Mellon University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.16 
Development of Prototype Device for Objective Measurement of Capillary Refilling Time

Shinozaki, MasayoshiChiba University
Saito, DaikiChiba University Graduate School of Medicine
Shimizu, RikaChiba University
Nakaguchi, ToshiyaChiba University
Nakada, TakaakiChiba University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.17 
3D Reconstruction of Bone Structure from Multi-View X-Ray Images Using Planar Markers

Shrestha, PragyanUniversity of Tsukuba
Xie, ChunUniversity of Tsukuba
Shishido, HidehikoUniversity of Tsukuba
Yoshii, YuichiTokyo Medical University Ibaraki Medical Center
Kitahara, ItaruUniversity of Tsukuba
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.18 
Personal Authentication by Using Multi-Channel Electroencephalography

Siozawa, KodaiShibaura Institute of Technology
Horie, RyotaShibaura Institute of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.19 
Changes in Muscle Fatigue During Reaching Tasks Performed with Robotic Device by a Stroke Survivor: A Preliminary Study

Hong, Mi-RanNational Rehabilitation Center
Song, Won-KyungNational Rehabilitation Center
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.20 
Functional Brain State Monitoring Based on Real-Time EEG Source Localization Analysis

Rachit Sood, RachitUniv of Maryland Baltimore County
Gupta, DeepaUniversity of Maryland Baltimore County
Jaganathan, VelrajUMBC
Scheideman, CoreyUMBC
Choa, Fow-SenUniversity of Maryland Baltimore County
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.21 
A 2.5D Approach for Breast Lesion Detection in 3D Ultrasound

Sreekumari, ArathiGE Global Research, Bangalore
Pei, LiyeGE
Mullick, RakeshGE Healthcare
Shriram, K SGE Healthcare
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.22 
Influence of Operating Conditions on a Novel Planar Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Transducer for Use in a Periodontal Scaler

Stutzer, DiegoBern University of Applied Sciences
Hofmann, MartinSitem Center for Translational Medicine and Biomedical Entrepren
Wenger, DominikBern University of Applied Sciences
Kaufmann, CamilleBern University
Ledermann, FabianUniversity of Bern
Bienaimé, AlexEMS S.A
Lenoir, DeirdréElectro Medical Systems
Burger, JuergenUniversity of Bern
Niederhauser, ThomasBern University of Applied Sciences
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.23 
Development of a Body Temperature Monitoring System Installed in Bed Sheet for Medical and Nursing Care

Suganuma, MikiShizuoka Institute of Science and Technology
Motoi, KosukeShizuoka Institute of Science and Technology
Yamakoshi, YasuhiroShowa University School of Medicine
Sakai, HiroakiSpinal Injuries Center
Yamakoshi, Ken-ichiKanazawa University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.24 
Accuracy Verification of a Rupture Prediction Equation for Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms

Sunami, ShotaTokyo University of Science
Takao, HiroyukiJikei University School of Medicine
Fujimura, SoichiroTokyo University of Science
Uchiyama, YuyaTokyo University of Science
Yamanaka, YumaTokyo University of Science
Ishibashi, ToshihiroThe Jikei University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurg
Fukudome, KojiTokyo University of Science,
Murayama, YuichiJikei University School of Medicine
Yamamoto, MakotoTokyo University of Science
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.25 
Estimation of Brain Lesions: Insights from Non-Imaging Data

Sutoko, StephanieHitachi, Ltd
Atsumori, HirokazuHitachi, Ltd
Obata, AkikoHitachi Ltd
Nishimura, AyakoHitachi, Ltd
Funane, TsukasaHitachi, Ltd
Kandori, AkihikoHitachi Ltd
Shimonaga, KojiHiroshima City Asa Citizens Hospital
Hama, SeijiGraduate School of Biomedical and Health Science, Hiroshima Univ
Tsuji, ToshioHiroshima University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.26 
Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Estimation of Urea Concentration for Determining Appropriate Duration of Hemodialysis Treatment

Suzuki, IkutoKomatsu University
Hatanaka, YukaAino University
Sanai, Keita, KeitaGraduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa Univ
Nogawa, MasamichiKanazawa University
Nishikawa, YuichiKanazawa University
Naito, HisashiKanazawa University
Ikarashi, AkiraAino University
Ogawa, MitsuhiroTeikyo University
Yamakoshi, Ken-ichiKanazawa University
Tanaka, ShinobuKanazawa University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.27 
Tracking a Battery-Less Device by RF Signals for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder Test

Takizawa, KenichiNICT
Suga, RyotaroNICT
Fujita, ShinichiEA Pharma Co., Ltd
Kojima, FumihideNICT
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.28 
Comparison of Haptic Feedback for OMS Drilling Training Simulator Using Haptic Device in Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy

Tanaka, ShunichiUniversity of Yamanashi
Kagiyama, YoshiyukiUniversity of Yamanashi
Nakamura, NorihiroUniversity of Yamanashi
Ueki, KoichiroUniversity of Yamanashi
Moroi, AkinoriDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Division of Clinic
Kuroda, YoshihiroUniversity of Tsukuba
Ito, YasumiUniversity of Yamanashi
Noda, YoshiyukiUniversity of Yamanashi
Yoshimoto, ShunsukeThe University of Tokyo
Oshiro, OsamuOsaka University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.29 
Obstacle Detection and Feedback Device for Omnidirectional Electric Wheelchair

Tanaka, ToshifumiKyushu Institute of Technology
Miyamoto, HiroyukiKyushu Institute of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.30 
Robustness Improvement Design against Convection for Core Body Temperature Sensor by Using Topology Optimization

Tanaka, YujiroNTT
Matsunaga, DaichiNTT Device Technology Labs
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.31 
Scaling of 2D Gait Skeleton Data for Quantitative Assessment of Movement Disorders from Freehand Single Camera Video Recordings

Tang, WeiUniversity Medical Center Groningen
van Ooijen, PeterUniversity of Groningen
Sival, Deborah AUniversity Medical Center Groningen
Maurits, NatashaUniversity Medical Center Groningen
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.32 
A PDMS-Based Balloon-Type Implantable Drug Delivery Device

Tausif, MuhammadDGIST
Kim, SoheeDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.33 
Neural Representation of Physical and Perceived Environmental Acoustics

García-Lázaro, HaydéeSmith Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
Teng, SantaniSmith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, Massachusetts Institute
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.34 
Recurrent Neural Network Models for the Automated Detection of Acute Myocardial Infarction on Echocardiography

Muraki, RyosukeFujita Health University
Sugimoto, KeikoFujita Health University
Sugimoto, KunihikoFujita Health University
Yamada, AkiraFujita Health University
Watanabe, EiichiFujita Health University
Saito, KuniakiFujita Health University
Fujita, HiroshiGifu University
Teramoto, AtsushiFujita Health University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.35 
Direct Measurement of the Envelope Generated by Temporal Interference and Phase Modulation Interference During Electrical Stimulation: Measurements Using a Tissue Phantom

Terasawa, YasuoNidek Co., Ltd
Tashiro, HiroyukiKyushu University
Ueno, TokioNidek Co., Ltd
Ohta, JunNara Institute of Science and Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.36 
Utilizing Scattered X-Rays to Assist CT Reconstruction Using a Neural Network

Ito, ShotaAichi Prefectural University
Toda, NaohiroAichi Prefectural University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.37 
Impact of Patch2Self Denoising on Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging at Different Field Strengths

Tro', RosellaUniversity of Genoa
Fadnavis, ShreyasIndiana University
Arnulfo, GabrieleUniversity of Genoa
Fato, Marco MassimoUniversity of Genoa
Garyfallidis, EleftheriosIndiana University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.38 
AC-Coupled CMOS Neural Amplifier Optimized for Low Level Distortions Over Full Bandwidth

Trzpil-Jurgielewicz, BeataAGH University of Science and Technology
Dabrowski, WladyslawAGH University of Science and Technology
Jurgielewicz, PawełAGH University of Science and Technology
Wiącek, PiotrAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics And
Hottowy, PawelAGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.39 
Prediction of Unconsciousness Using Clinically Available Markers

Tseng, BryanMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Subramanian, SandyaMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Purdon, Patrick LMassachussetts General Hospital
Barbieri, RiccardoPolitecnico Di Milano
Brown, Emery NMGH-Harvard Medical School-MIT
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.40 
A Patient-Centered Co-Design Usability Study of a Novel Device for At-Home Musculoskeletal Shoulder Rehabilitation

Tsirgiotis, Philippa GraceFlinders University
Hobbs, DavidFlinders University
Hannon-Tan, JimJim Hannon-Tan Concept and Industrial Design
Russell, TomJim Hannon-Tan Concept and Industrial Design
Mohtar, AaronAaron Mohtar & Co
Mason, LukeGlobal Movement Pty Ltd
Cabot, JonathanGlobal Movement Pty Ltd
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.41 
Speech Signal Enhancement in ADOS Recordings

Tsur, NetaBen-Gurion University of the Negev
Eni, MarinaBen-Gurion University of the Negev
Zigel, YanivBen-Gurion University of the Negev
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.42 
The Development of a Eustress Sensing System Using In-Ear EEG

Ueda, KazutakaThe University of Tokyo
Imamura, YasuhikoVIE STYLE
Ibaraki, TakuyaVIE STYLE
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.43 
A Method for Detecting the EFRP P300 Component by Using ICA to Reduce the Number of Required Experimental Trials

Yamada, NodokaUniversity of Tokyo
Ueda, KazutakaThe University of Tokyo
Takada, ShinyaUniversity of Tokyo
Nakao, MasayukiUniversity of Tokyo
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.44 
Simultaneous Estimation of Drowsiness, Focus and Stress from Facial Videos Captured by Smartphones

Umematsu, TerumiNEC Corporation
Tsujikawa, MasanoriNEC Corporation
Sawada, HideyukiWaseda University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.45 
Design and Testing of a Closed-Loop Neurochemical Modulator

Unegbu, PlacidUniversity of Pennsylvania
Liu, XilinUniversity of Toronto
Vitale, FlaviaUniversity of Pennsylvania
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.46 
Using Physiological Signals to Detect and Monitor Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children with down Syndrome

van Engelen, SydneyQueen's University
Davies, ClaireQueen's University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.47 
Remote PPG for Heart Rate Monitoring: Lighting Conditions and Camera Shutter Time

van Esch, Rik Johan CornelisEindhoven University of Technology
Ebrahimkheil, KambezEindhoven University of Technology
Cramer, IrisEindhoven University of Technology
Wang, WenjinPhilips Research
Kaandorp, TomasCatharina Hospital Eindhoven
Sammali, FedericaEindhoven University of Technology
Dierick, AngéliqueFontys Hogeschool Eindhoven
Kloeze, CarlaCatharina Hospital Eindhoven
Verstappen, CindyCatharina Hospital Eindhoven
van 't Veer, MarcelCatharina Hospital Eindhoven
Montenij, LeonCatharina Hospital Eindhoven
Dekker, LukasCatharina Hospital Eindhoven
Bouwman, R ArthurCatharina Hospital, Eindhoven
Korsten, ErikEindhoven University of Technology
Bergmans, Johannes Wilhelmus MariaEindhoven University of Technology
Stuijk, SanderTU Eindhoven
Zinger, SvitlanaEindhoven University of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.48 
PrimerEvalPy: A Tool for In-Silico Evaluation of Primers for Targeting the Microbiome

Vázquez-González, LaraCentro De Investigación En Tecnoloxías Intelixentes (CiTIUS) And
Regueira-Iglesias, AlbaOral Sciences Research Group, Dept. Surgery and Medical-Surgical
Balsa-Castro, CarlosOral Sciences Research Group. Universidade De Santiago
Vila-Blanco, NicolásCentro De Investigación En Tecnoloxías Intelixentes (CiTIUS) And
Tomás, InmaculadaOral Sciences Research Group, Dept. Surgery and Medical-Surgical
Carreira, María J.Centro De Investigación En Tecnoloxías Intelixentes (CiTIUS) And
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.49 
Machine Learning-Based 30-Day Hospital Readmission Prediction Model for COPD Patients to Combat COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis

Verma, Vijay KumarChang Gung University
Lin, Wen-YenChang Gung University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.50 
An Analysis Pipeline for Signaling of Human Stem Cell Derived Neurons in a Microfluidics Platform with an Embedded Microelectrode Array

Vinogradov, AndreyTampere University
Kapucu, Fikret EmreTampere University of Technology
Narkilahti, SusannaNeuroGroup, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere U
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.51 
Circadian Rhythms: A Proposal to Monitor Environmental Stressor Variations and COVID-19 Impacts

Vito, DomenicoPolitecnico Di Milano
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.53 
Implantable Multimodal Probe to Obtain the Pathophysiological Signals of an Epilepsy Patient

Wakuya, ManamiKumamoto University
Inoue, TakaoYamaguchi University
Imoto, HirochikaYamaguchi University
Nomura, SadahiroYamaguchi University
Suzuki, MichiyasuYamaguchi University
Yamakawa, ToshitakaKumamoto University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.54 
Learned Regularization for Iterative Photoacoustic Reconstruction

Wang, TongUniversity of Science and Technology of China
Tian, ChaoUniversity of Science and Technology of China
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.55 
A Home-Based Epileptic Seizure Detection System Using Wearable and Non-Contact Sensors

Dong, ChunjiaoUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Microele
Ye, TianchunInstitute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shang, ChunhengInstitute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Liao, XiwenInstitute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Hu, WenjingInstitute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xingqiang, XuUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Instiitute of Microel
Wang, YunfengInstitute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.56 
Design and Fabrication of Patterned Interference Filter in Near-Infrared Fundus Camera for Retinal Scattering Detection

Wang, ZeNara Institute of Science and Technology
Takehara, HironariNara Institute of Science and Technology
Tang, HonghaoNara Institute of Science and Technology
Kishida, NoriakiNara Institute of Science and Technology
Haruta, MakitoNara Institute of Science and Technology
Tashiro, HiroyukiKyushu University
Sasagawa, KiyotakaNara Institute of Science and Technology
Ohta, JunNara Institute of Science and Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.57 
Identifying EEG Features Specific to Pain-Induced Awakenings

Wei, TonyJohns Hopkins University
Greene, PatrickJohns Hopkins University
Sacré, PierreUniversity of Liège
Nassar, VictoriaJohns Hopkins School of Medicine
Sarma, Sridevi V.Johns Hopkins University
Latremoliere, AlbanJohns Hopkins School of Medicine
Alexandre, ChloeJohns Hopkins School of Medicine
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.58 
Optimizing Runtime for a Multi-Compartment Cable Model of a Retinal Ganglion Cell

Arrieta, MatthewUniversity of Michigan
Kish, KathleenUniversity of Michigan
Weiland, JamesUniversity of Michigan
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.59 
Precisely Detecting and Resolving BCI Errors with Case Functions

Winston, ChloeUniversity of Washington
Winston, CailinUniversity of Washington
Winston, CalebUniversity of Washington
Winston, ClarisUniversity of Washington
Winston, CleahHigh School
Rao, Rajesh PNUniversity of Washington
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.60 
Prediction and Prevention System for the Infection by the Cough with the SARS-COV-2 Virus

Yambe, TomoyukiTohoku Univ
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.61 
Specular Reflection Detection and Removal Based on Deep Neural Network for Endoscope Images

Tianyu, LiuZhejiang University
Chang, JunyuZJU-UIUC Institute
Wang, ChongyuZhejiang University/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Yang, LiangjingZhejiang University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.62 
Automatic Labeling of Coronary Arteries in Computed Tomography Angiography Images

Ren, PenglingCapital Medical University Affiliated Beijing Friendship Hospita
He, YiCapital Medical University Affiliated Beijing Friendship Hospita
Guo, NingShukun (Beijing) Technology Company Ltd
Zhu, YiPeking University
Luo, NanCapital Medical University Affiliated Beijing Friendship Hospita
Li, FangCapital Medical University Affiliated Beijing Friendship Hospita
Yin, HongxiaBeijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University
Wang, ZhenchangBeijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University
Yang, ZhenghanBeijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.63 
Decoding Individual Finger Movements from Single Trial EEG of Motor Execution and Imagery Using CNN

Yasuhara, Masaki, MasakiNagaoka University of Technology
Nambu, IsaoNagaoka University of Technology
Maruyama, YoshikoDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Tech
Wada, YasuhiroNagaoka University of Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.64 
Towards a Convenient, Non-Imaging Device for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening and Surveillance

Yavarimanesh, MohammadMichigan State University
Cheng, Hao-minTaipei Veterans General Hospital
Hahn, Jin-OhUniversity of Maryland
Sung, Shih-HsienTaipei Veterans General Hospital
Chen, Chen-HuanNational Yang-Ming University
Mukkamala, RamakrishnaUniversity of Pittsburgh
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.65 
A Deep Learning-Based Method for Tooth Segmentation on Panoramic Dental X-Ray Images

Kim, JinSeoul National University Dental Hospital
Yang, SuSeoul National University
Choi, Min HyukSeoul National University
Lee, Sang JeongSeoul National University
Jeoun, Bo SoungSeoul National University
Kim, GeonsooMedical Image Innovation Laboratory
Yi, WonJinSeoul National Univ Sch of Dentistry
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.66 
CAPPU-Net: A Convolutional Attention Network with Pyramid Pooling for Middle and Inner Ear Structure Segmentation in CT Images

Kim, GeonsooMedical Image Innovation Laboratory
Jeoun, Bo SoungSeoul National University
Yang, SuSeoul National University
Kim, JinSeoul National University Dental Hospital
Lee, Sang JeongSeoul National University
Yi, WonJinSeoul National Univ Sch of Dentistry
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.67 
Hand Segmentation Using Deep Learning for Computer Assisted Surgery

Choi, SieunSeoul National University
Lee, Sang JeongSeoul National University
Yoo, Ji YongSeoul National University
Choi, Min HyukSeoul National University
Yong, Tae-HoonSeoul National University
Jeoun, Bo SoungSeoul National University
Chun, SoyoungInterdisciplinary Program in Bioengineering, Seoul National Univ
Yang, SuSeoul National University
Kim, JinSeoul National University Dental Hospital
Yi, WonJinSeoul National Univ Sch of Dentistry
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.68 
A PointNet Based Method for Automatic Design of Implant Crowns

Chun, SoyoungInterdisciplinary Program in Bioengineering, Seoul National Univ
Yang, SuSeoul National University
Yong, Tae-HoonSeoul National University
Choi, SieunSeoul National University
Lee, Sang JeongSeoul National University
Yoo, Ji YongSeoul National University
Choi, Min HyukSeoul National University
Jeoun, Bo SoungSeoul National University
Yi, WonJinSeoul National Univ Sch of Dentistry
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.69 
A Deep Learning-Based Method for Tooth Segmentation on CBCT Images Affected by Metal Artifacts

Yang, SuSeoul National University
Lee, Sang JeongSeoul National University
Yong, Tae-HoonSeoul National University
Yoo, Ji YongSeoul National University
Chun, SoyoungInterdisciplinary Program in Bioengineering, Seoul National Univ
Kim, JinSeoul National University Dental Hospital
Seol, Yu JinGachon University, Gil Hospital, R&D Center
Kim, GeonsooMedical Image Innovation Laboratory
Yi, WonJinSeoul National Univ Sch of Dentistry
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.70 
Exploring the Possibilities of Combining Facial Expression and EEG in Acquaintance Test and Concealed Information Test (CIT)

Kim, ChulminKAIST
Kim, Tae RyounKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Yim, Man-SungKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.71 
Human Error Assessment in Unexpected Plant Conditions through Identification of Interaction Error-Related Potentials in EEG

Kim, Tae RyounKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Kim, ChulminKAIST
Yim, Man-SungKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.72 
Desynchronization of Alpha Rhythm During Exchanging Semantic Words―MEG Hyperscanning Study

Anada, RisaHokkaido University
Watanabe, HayatoHokkaido University
Takano, KazuyoshiHokkaido University
Saito, MikuHokkaido University
Shiraishi, HideakiHokkaido University
Yokosawa, KoichiHokkaido University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.73 
Forceps Manipulator with Gimbal-Mounted Parallel Linkage and Belt-Pulley Slider for Laparoscopic Surgery

Yokoyama, KentaOsaka Institute of Technology
Kawai, ToshikazuOsaka Institute of Technology
Nishikawa, AtsushiOsaka University
Nishizawa, YujiDepartment of Gastroenterological Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,
Nakamura, TatsuoKyoto University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.74 
Mathematical Analysis of Population of Bursting Neurons

Yoshikai, YutoThe University of Tokyo
Zheng, TianyiUniversity of Tokyo
Kotani, KiyoshiUniversity of Tokyo
Jimbo, YasuhikoUniversity of Tokyo
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.75 
An Accurate Dual Heat Flux-Type Deep Body Thermometer with a Calibrator

Yoshimura, TakumiTokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology
Tamura, ToshiyoWaseda University
Huang, MingNara Institute of Science and Technology
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.76 
Comparison of Hemodynamics between Completely and Incompletely Dilated Flow Diverters in Simple Vascular Models

Yuzawa, KazuyaTokyo University of Science
Takao, HiroyukiJikei University School of Medicine
Fujimura, SoichiroTokyo University of Science
Uchiyama, YuyaTokyo University of Science
Yamanaka, YumaTokyo University of Science
Ishibashi, ToshihiroThe Jikei University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurg
Fukudome, KojiTokyo University of Science,
Murayama, YuichiJikei University School of Medicine
Yamamoto, MakotoTokyo University of Science
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.77 
16-Channel, Modular pTx Body Coil for 3 T MRI: A Proof of Concept

Zanovello, UmbertoIstituto Nazionale Di Ricerca Metrologica
Seifert, FrankPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Berlin-Braunschweig
Winter, LukasPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Zilberti, LucaIstituto Nazionale Di Ricerca Metrologica
Bottauscio, OrianoIstituto Nazionale Di Ricerca Metrologica
Ittermann, BerndPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.78 
Grip Force and Cortical Responses to Graded Electrocutaneous Stimulation

Ze Ou, ZeJohns Hopkins University
Ding, KeqinJohns Hopkins School of Medicine
Thakor, NitishJohns Hopkins University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.79 
Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1α (HIF-1α) SUMOylation in Response to Hypoxia

Zhang, ManyuThe University of Sheffield
Zhao, AliceThe University of Sheffield
Guo, ChunThe University of Sheffield
Guo, LingzhongThe University of Sheffield
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.80 
Ultrasound Echo Speckle Reduction with Superresolution Using DDSRCNN and TecoGAN

Zhang, MengfeiSophia University
Li, YiranSophia University
Sumi, ChikayoshiSophia University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.81 
Experiment Study on Magneto-Acoustic Imaging by Using Liquid Metal

Zhang, ShunqiInstitute of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese AcademyofMedical Sc
Wang, YuhengInstitute of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Medical
Mai, WenshuInstitute of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Medical
Tao, YinChinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical Colle
Liu, ZhipengChinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical Colle
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.82 
Unsuspecting Baseline Measurement Variations in Commercial Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis-Driven Wellness Machines

Zheng, MingdeNokia Bell Laboratories
Samanta, Bibek RanjanNokia Bell Labs
Lattarulo, MichaelNokia
13:00-15:00, Paper ThDT4.83 
An Ultra-Cheap Light Field Microscope for Volumetric Cellular Imaging

Zheng, ZhiyuImperial College London
Wu, YinzheImperial College London
Gurung, AmulImperial College London
Liu, XinyueImperial College London
Li, Lai YanImperial College London
Zhu, HaoboImperial College London
Howe, CarmelImperial College London
Quicke, PeterImperial College London
Schultz, Simon RImperial College London
Special Session: Digital Transformation of Health Care in the 21st Century:
Key Enabling Technologies Organizer: Giuseppe Fico
Special Session
15:00-16:30, Paper ThET7.1 
Digital Transformation of Health Care in the 21st Century: Key Enabling Technologies

Fico, GiuseppeUniversidad Politécnica De Madrid
Guillen, SergioMYSPHERA S.L
Arredondo, María TeresaUniversidad Politécnica De Madrid
Di Camillo, BarbaraUniversity of Padova
Pecchia, LeandroUniversity of Warwick
Fotiadis, Dimitrios I.University of Ioannina
Cabrera-Umpierrez, Maria FernandaUniversidad Politecnica De Madrid
Women in Engineering ( Pre-Registration Required ) Social Session
Keynote Speaker Theme 6 Sridevi Sarma, Johns Hopkins University Keynote Session
Keynote Speaker Theme 9 Zhen Xu, University of Michigan Keynote Session
Mini Symposium: Coronary Physiology Assessment in Coronary Artery Disease
Organizer: Liang Zhong
19:00-20:30, Paper ThGT7.1 
Coronary Physiology Assessment in Coronary Artery Disease

Zhong, LiangNational Heart Centre Singapore, Duke-NUS Medical School, Nation
Shim, Eun BoKangwon National University
Special Session: COVID-19 in Latin America, Efforts, Success, and Lessons
to Learn - Part 2 Organizer: Luis Jimenez-Angeles
Special Session
19:00-20:30, Paper ThGT8.1 
COVID-19 in Latin America, Efforts, Success, and Lessons to Learn - Part 2

Jimenez Angeles, LuisUniversidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico
Dorador-Gonzalez, Jesus ManuelUniversidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico
Castañeda, SerafinFacultad De Ingenieria UNAM
Bravo Hernandez, HerberthSOMIB
Somarribas, AlexanderACOBEM
Azpiroz-leehan, JoaquinUniversidad Autonoma Metropolitana
19:00-20:30, Paper ThGT8.2 
COVID-19 in Latin America, Efforts, Success, and Lessons to Learn - Part 1

Mejia-Rodriguez, Aldo RodrigoUniversidad Autonoma De San Luis Potosí
Ibarra, ErnestoUniversidad Latina De PanamÁ
Corniali, AlfredoAssoc. Brasileira De Engenharia Clínica (ABEClin)
Von Chong, AlejandroUniversidad Tecnológica De Panamá
Santos-Díaz, AlejandroTecnológico De Monterrey Campus Ciudad De México
Rodriguez Arellano, José FranciscoIndependent